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What is God looking for in a worshiper?

on Sunday, 18 October 2015 Posted in Capacitación (Español), Videos (Español)

Gerizim Centro de Capacitacion Ministerial

What is God looking for in a worshiper?
Título: ¿Qué es Dios buscando en un adorador?
Un adorador primeramente debe pasar por el proceso de sanidad de Dios.  Si un adorador no esta funcionando con un corazón sano su adoración es distorcionada y torcida. Dios esta dando de su vino y aceite para sanar los adoradores.

Ver el video en YouTube: https://youtu.be/hCXBFtK4AyM
Title: What is God looking for in a worshiper?
A worshiper must first go through the process of healing from God. If a worshiper is not operating with a healthy heart their worship is distorted and twisted. God is giving his wine and oil to heal worshipers.

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