The Roar of the Lion of Judah
by Psalmist Doriana Goins & Pastor Christopher Goins

Have you every seen the movie “The Lion King”? It was originally released in 1994. Since I have younger children, I've seen the movie many times over the years. The main characters in the movie are Mufasa (the reigning Lion King), Simba (his only son) and Scar (Simba's Uncle who desires to steal the title as Lion King).
Throughout the movie Simba struggles to forgive himself, feeling guilty, because his father died as a result of saving him when he was a child during a stampede of wildebeest that was planned by his uncle Scar. It's not until later in his life that Simba has a revelation and discovers his true voice. The mighty roar of a Lion.
Throughout the movie Simba struggles to forgive himself, feeling guilty, because his father died as a result of saving him when he was a child during a stampede of wildebeest that was planned by his uncle Scar. It's not until later in his life that Simba has a revelation and discovers his true voice. The mighty roar of a Lion.
When Simba found his roar, he finally was able to walk in his authority and true identity. Today, more than ever we must find our voice and identity in Christ. It's during our times of intimacy that we are able to discover our TRUE VOICE... THE ROAR OF THE LION OF JUDAH within us. It's always been there, deep within us, just waiting for us to discover it.
Today I want to share with you the importance of releasing the Roar of the Lion within us. Whether your a worshiper, worshiper leader, musician or even a pastor there is a roar that you need to release. When our roar is released the heavens and the earth shake. Each of us are called to bring forth transformation around us. We must realize that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah lives within us! Rev 1:6 and 5:10 reminds us of our identity as kings and priests.
Unfortunately in the area of worship there is a lack of identity within the church. If we don't discover our identity soon, we will be replaced by the “SCAR's” of this world, that are just longing to steal our place. Satan is always ready to fill in the void the church leaves behind.
I hear worship leaders and churches talk about making their worship relevant. I totally believe that we must be relevant in our message. However, we need to define relevant. Is relevant trying to sound like someone else or what is popular in our culture? I guess that could be part of the natural definition. But I believe God sees and defines relevant very differently. For this to happen we must remove our earthly mind set, religious traditions of men, in order for us to begin to experience supernatural. I believe that relevant worship is about us tuning into what Heaven is doing and releasing it in the earth. That means getting in tune with the Spirit of God is doing at that very moment. It's connecting with Him and allowing our lives to be a channel in which He uses and flows through in order to bring forth His purposes at that specific moment in time. It could be just ONE word sung or spoken, but ONE word released at the proper time can bring forth a powerful impact.
Too often we haven't realized who truly lives within us. God Almighty!!! There is a new generation of worshipers who are longing for more, who are searching deep within to bring forth that prophetic roar of the lion. The Apostle Paul said it like this... It is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me.
God is longing for his people to raise up with a might ROAR and shake the heavens and the earth. The sound of a LION can be heard up to 5 miles or 8 kilometers away. Wow! The ROAR of God's people should never cease to be heard. The number 5 speaks of Grace and the number 8 of speaks of New Beginnings. Our voice must reach those in need with a message of Grace which brings forth New Beginnings in their lives.
Are you walking in your true identity or are you trying to imitate someone else?
Is there something that is holding you back from allowing that mighty roar in your voice be heard?
Is it unforgiveness, guilt, fear or sin?
I've seen the fear of man hold back the presence of God from moving in many services. Often, we are desiring the approval from those around us, our leaders, our pastors, etc, that we've allowed our voice to be silenced. We can easily become more concerned about man than what God wants from us.
Now is the TIME for us to let the ROAR of the LION of JUDAH to be heard. We will not be silenced!
1. BE DETERMINED: Let your voice be heard. The Roar of the Lion of Judah.
2. CONNECT WITH HEAVEN: Take the time to get alone and seek HIM in intimacy this week.
3. DISCOVER YOUR TRUE IDENTITY: Stand firm with authority in the place that God has called you.
4. EXPECT GOD TO MOVE: Let your worship shake the heavens and the earth.
Make sure you take a moment and watch the video below from Psalmist Doriana, I believe that it will be an encouragement to you this week.
We would love to hear from you. Share with us your stories and experiences by leaving a comment or send us an email.
God Bless!
Today I want to share with you the importance of releasing the Roar of the Lion within us. Whether your a worshiper, worshiper leader, musician or even a pastor there is a roar that you need to release. When our roar is released the heavens and the earth shake. Each of us are called to bring forth transformation around us. We must realize that the Lion of the Tribe of Judah lives within us! Rev 1:6 and 5:10 reminds us of our identity as kings and priests.
Unfortunately in the area of worship there is a lack of identity within the church. If we don't discover our identity soon, we will be replaced by the “SCAR's” of this world, that are just longing to steal our place. Satan is always ready to fill in the void the church leaves behind.
I hear worship leaders and churches talk about making their worship relevant. I totally believe that we must be relevant in our message. However, we need to define relevant. Is relevant trying to sound like someone else or what is popular in our culture? I guess that could be part of the natural definition. But I believe God sees and defines relevant very differently. For this to happen we must remove our earthly mind set, religious traditions of men, in order for us to begin to experience supernatural. I believe that relevant worship is about us tuning into what Heaven is doing and releasing it in the earth. That means getting in tune with the Spirit of God is doing at that very moment. It's connecting with Him and allowing our lives to be a channel in which He uses and flows through in order to bring forth His purposes at that specific moment in time. It could be just ONE word sung or spoken, but ONE word released at the proper time can bring forth a powerful impact.
Too often we haven't realized who truly lives within us. God Almighty!!! There is a new generation of worshipers who are longing for more, who are searching deep within to bring forth that prophetic roar of the lion. The Apostle Paul said it like this... It is no longer I that live, but Christ who lives in me.
God is longing for his people to raise up with a might ROAR and shake the heavens and the earth. The sound of a LION can be heard up to 5 miles or 8 kilometers away. Wow! The ROAR of God's people should never cease to be heard. The number 5 speaks of Grace and the number 8 of speaks of New Beginnings. Our voice must reach those in need with a message of Grace which brings forth New Beginnings in their lives.
Here are a few questions to meditate on this week...
Have you found your voice? If so, what is it declaring today?Are you walking in your true identity or are you trying to imitate someone else?
Is there something that is holding you back from allowing that mighty roar in your voice be heard?
Is it unforgiveness, guilt, fear or sin?
I've seen the fear of man hold back the presence of God from moving in many services. Often, we are desiring the approval from those around us, our leaders, our pastors, etc, that we've allowed our voice to be silenced. We can easily become more concerned about man than what God wants from us.
Now is the TIME for us to let the ROAR of the LION of JUDAH to be heard. We will not be silenced!
Here are a few things we can do this week to activate the Roar of the Lion of Judah...
1. BE DETERMINED: Let your voice be heard. The Roar of the Lion of Judah.
2. CONNECT WITH HEAVEN: Take the time to get alone and seek HIM in intimacy this week.
3. DISCOVER YOUR TRUE IDENTITY: Stand firm with authority in the place that God has called you.
4. EXPECT GOD TO MOVE: Let your worship shake the heavens and the earth.
Make sure you take a moment and watch the video below from Psalmist Doriana, I believe that it will be an encouragement to you this week.
We would love to hear from you. Share with us your stories and experiences by leaving a comment or send us an email.
God Bless!
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- Tags: encouragment, hearing god, inspiring, intimacy, lion of judah, obedience, prophetic voice, prophetic worship, roar, sound of heaven, supernatural