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Articles tagged with: lion of judah

The Roar of the Lion of Judah

Written by Christopher Goins, Doriana Goins on Sunday, 10 March 2013. Posted in Audio (English), Videos (English), Training Series (English)

by Psalmist Doriana Goins & Pastor Christopher Goins

The Roar of the Lion of Judah
Have you every seen the movie “The Lion King”?  It was originally released in 1994.  Since I have younger children, I've seen the movie many times over the years.  The main characters in the movie are Mufasa (the reigning Lion King), Simba (his only son) and Scar (Simba's Uncle who desires to steal the title as Lion King).

Throughout the movie Simba struggles to forgive himself, feeling guilty, because his father died as a result of saving him when he was a child during a stampede of wildebeest that was planned by his uncle Scar.  It's not until later in his life that Simba has a revelation and discovers his true voice.  The mighty roar of a Lion.

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